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Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) – Expert Rapid Assessment Workshop

The Great Barrier Reef Outlook Report is produced every 5 years. The focus is on the Great Barrier Reef Region which includes the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park and other adjacent areas. The Great Barrier Reef Outlook Reports in 2009, 2014 and 2019 assessed all parts of the ecosystem within the Region, including mangroves and seagrass meadows, fish, coral reefs and the open ocean, as well as the cultural and heritage of the region.  

GBRMPA required expertise to support them to create input for the Outlook Report to be released in 2024. This involved co-creating and delivering a weeklong robust expert rapid assessment workshop involving varied and many experts on topics to be within the report. GBRMPA required capabilities in marine science, expert elucidation, analysis and synthesis of complex expert inputs, highly developed facilitation skills, and scientific report writing.

What we did

  • We worked internally with the Outlook team to co-create a robust and defensible expert rapid assessment process. We partnered with Scientell to deliver this project.

  • We delivered the week-long workshop live in Townsville covering many different areas of expertise.

  • We wrote a major report as the output from the Workshops process with information about the process and expert content for the use of the GBRMPA Outlook as input to Outlook 2024.


The project outputs are confidential until released by the client, which is slated for later in 2024. When available they can be found here.


Contact us


+61 (0) 418 393 489


PO Box 46, Fairfield VIC Australia 3078

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 Science into Action resides on the Country of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We acknowledge the custodianship of all Traditional Owners across Australia, and the historic dislocation and dispossession of their lands. We celebrate the extraordinary resilience of their culture - the oldest living culture on the globe. We pay respects to elders past, present and emerging. We look forward to our shared future together.

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