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Marine & Coastal NESP Hub Nature Based Solutions Symposium

In June 2023, researchers running the Living Shorelines project in the Marine & Coastal NESP Hub needed someone to assist with the design and delivery of a set of targeted workshops about the barriers to the uptake of nature based coastal approaches by land managers and engineering consultants, as well as the possible solutions to the barriers.

The Living Shorelines Australia project is translating science and practitioner experience into effective action to deliver nature-based methods for coastal hazard risk reduction at scale.

The symposium built on previous work across the sector identifying the engineering, structural, technical, legislative and regulatory (amongst other) barriers to the uptake of nature-based approaches for coastal management. One of the more prominent barriers was gaps in the planning processes and delivery of standardized practices for engineers and land managers. The symposium was a deeper dive into the barriers experienced by engineers and local managers to using nature-based approaches.

What we did

  • Worked with the lead researchers to design a process that enabled them to collaborate with the various cross-sectoral representatives to gather very tangible and specific inputs on barriers, and ideas for solutions.

  • Deliverer the workshop process as designed over the 2 day period.


The Result

The outputs collated pathways to implement Living Shorelines in Australia. They build on the National Guideline released in 2021, and the subsequent peer-reviewed journal article. When the outputs from this workshop are completed, they will be delivered as an implementation guide online (and subsequent journal paper). As at mid 2024, these documents are being finalised.


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 Science into Action resides on the Country of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin Nation. We acknowledge the custodianship of all Traditional Owners across Australia, and the historic dislocation and dispossession of their lands. We celebrate the extraordinary resilience of their culture - the oldest living culture on the globe. We pay respects to elders past, present and emerging. We look forward to our shared future together.

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